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Life Is A Journey Live Your Best Journey

Your journey through life is directed by the choices you make.

Choosing the right path often requires decisions that place us outside our familiar comfort zone. This is why, most take the easy path, the one most travelled.

Take the higher ground, the path less travelled. An old adage states; 'the man at the top of the mountain did not fall there' To reach the pinnacle in life demands success within your business or your chosen career. At M-Motion we are dedicated to walking with you on this exciting journey. With mutual commitment and determination, together we will reach the summit sooner.

As a brand M-Motion is gaining monumental momentum. To a select few, we offer this brand to make t your own. If this is you, we welcome you to the journey.

We welcome you to M-Motion.

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Your Brand, Your Future

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Support & Leadership

Support and Leadership We want you performing at your best and looking good whilst you're doing it!

No one day in real estate is ever the same. The 'highs' are high and the 'lows' are low...

But no matter what, we're here for you. We're a team... we got you!

We offer you the flexibility to work from home, but equally we love to see you coming into the office.

Beyond the ongoing training, systems and strategic processes, if an issue arises, we are here to work through it with you. Every challenge has a solution.

We live the solution. Whether it be technical, legal or practical advice, we're a phone call away no matter the time of day. Or let's have a cuppa and talk it through...

M-Motion Real Estate Join Success

Administration & Accounting

You can't be good at everything right!!!

You have your talents and flair, and this is why you’re on the front line and the face of our brand.

Getting the ‘paperwork’ sorted is critical in the world of real estate and cannot be neglected.

Competence and compliance protects you, limits liability and safeguards your hard-earned income. Simply put, great admin support and functionality makes your life easier.

The admin team at M-Motion are committed to ensuring you’re not stressed or consumed with unnecessary administrative duties.

M-Motion Real Estate Join Success

Media and Marketing

Today, modern media and marketing are two of the most important elements of success in all areas of real estate. In fact, it’s possibly the most important aspect of what we do.

Great marketing empowers you to run ‘attraction based’ campaigns for each of your listings.

Great media sets you apart from the competition and attracts more sellers.

Strategic marketing stimulates more interest, generates more activity and puts the spotlight on everything you do.


All your property marketing – We liaise, we create, we produce, we deliver – For You!

M-Motion Real Estate Join Success


Technology is to be embraced, not feared.

Technology is not a threat: it is your friend. But only if you capitalise on what it can do for you and your clients.

The value you provide to your clients is directly influenced, shaped and augmented by the use of appropriate technology.

At M-Motion we are dedicated to sourcing the most up to date and user-friendly systems, platforms and subscriptions.

Our determination to remain on the cutting edge will ensure your business runs smoothly, efficiently and effectively.

Moreover, our adoption and utilisation of new technologies will ensure your professional representation is valued today and sought after into the future.

Training and Development

You will learn that ‘Success’ is in life as it is in real estate, multifaceted. There is much to consider but very little you cannot learn, understand and apply. 

Success largely begins with a mindset, an attitude and a way of acting and behaving on a daily basis. 

Success is yours to be had… But you have to attract it into your life. Nobody will Succeed for you, you must Succeed for yourself. If you believe you can grow, develop and Succeed – You will… 

I am committed to helping you every step of the way. I cannot stress to you, how excited and enthusiastic I am to partner with you on your journey towards Success. 

I have so much to share, so much to give and real value to provide. I hope you will welcome my contribution to your career and my influence on living a fulfilled life. 

Micheal Mahon - Founder & Managing Director

M-Motion Real Estate Join Success
M-Motion Real Estate - Michael Mahon Join Success

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